A quick guide to the GDPR for data management teams

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The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to protect an individual’s personal data. In addition to giving citizens control of their personal data, the GDPR also aims to unify data protection laws across the European Union.

A note for UK-based individuals and organisations: Although the UK has left the EU, the UK Government has incorporated the provisions of the GDPR into domestic legislation as the UK GDPR. This means that the rules in this guide continue to apply equally in the UK.

As a data management company, we take our compliance with the GDPR very seriously. We ensure that all our processes follow the GDPR rigorously, and have communicated the relevant GDPR principles to all our employees. One of the methods of communication we’ve used is our Really Quick Guide to the GDPR.


This 12-page guide outlines information such as:

  • How the GDPR applies to data management companies and their staff
  • How consent is best defined
  • The impact of the GDPR on client contracts
  • Our key responsibilities.

The Really Quick Guide to the GDPR can be downloaded for free using the link below, but please be aware that the information is provided for your help and guidance. It does not constitute legal advice and users should consult with their own lawyer for legal advice. Information for the guide has been taken from various publications of the Information Commissioner’s Office. For further information please go to www.ico.org.uk.

Download the Really Quick Guide here

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