5 useful data management groups on LinkedIn

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While some LinkedIn groups are stuffed with spam, others still offer a forum for useful discussions and knowledge sharing. Here’s a round-up of some of the more interesting groups for data managers. These groups are generic rather than industry-specific, but if you’re interested in Oil & Gas groups, take a look at our previous post on E&P data management groups.

Data Migration/Integration & ETL Group

This is a busy group, run by the team here at ETL Solutions. Targeted at professional data managers, the group has regular discussions and a jobs board with new positions advertised most days.

SAP Data Integration/Migration Group

As its name suggests, this is a specialist forum for data managers who are developing data migration or integration projects involving SAP. Discussions are posted regularly by experts working in the SAP data management area.

MDM – Master Data Management Group

This large group of over 17,000 members hosts discussions on all aspects of MDM, including software, and provides a forum for networking, sharing knowledge and asking questions.

Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Group

Despite being an open group, this group is relatively free from spam and instead has a regular series of new posts on data centre management.

Data Modeling and Meta Data Management Group

This is a knowledge sharing group focused on offering help and advice on methodology and software for data modelling and meta data management. The group is looking for participation from vendors as well as data managers.

Are you on Google+?  Check out our community for data migration and integration professionals on this growing platform.

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