Environmental Policy


Our policy is based upon the following principles:

• Base decisions on good data and sound science
• Commit to an annual cycle of review, self-reflection and analysis
• Comply with and aim to exceed all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice in a cycle of continuous improvement
• Integrate environmental considerations into all our business decisions
• Ensure that all staff and associates are fully aware of our Environmental Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it
• Encourage suppliers, contractors and partners to commit to ethical practice and environmental responsibility
• Review this policy as the business evolves and grows, ensuring it continues to be at the forefront of best practice.

Strategic actions

• Ensure all colleagues have the appropriate actions within this policy incorporated into their codes of practice
• Seek to support local businesses and customers within our networks.

Practical steps

Minimise greenhouse gas emissions from our buildings, our vehicles, our procurement practices and other operations.

As we are in rented office space, we do not have control over the source of the energy we use. We will however reduce energy use by:
• Switch off lights when not in use and make best use of natural light
• Dress appropriately for the ambient conditions in the office so that extra heating/cooling is not required
• Switch off all electrical equipment at the end of the working day/week that does not need to be left on e.g. printers
• Print on both sides of paper as default
• Only print in colour when absolutely necessary
• Investigate the way that our servers are cooled
• Continue to facilitate remote and home working
• Survey colleagues to see if people can and are willing to car share
• Choose public transport as the first option for business trips
• Calculate the costs/carbon emissions of mileage allowance business trips versus car hire from a reputable company with environmental commitments like Enterprise; choose the most cost efficient and environmentally-friendly option.

Integrate procurement policy with this policy to ensure:
• Only buy electrical equipment which has a certified energy efficiency rating
• Buy recycled paper
• Buy Fair Trade tea and coffee or with other environmental certification such as Rainforest Alliance
• Talk to subcontractors and suppliers about environmental responsibility – ask them what environmental policies they have and learn from them
• Investigate the supply chain environmental impacts of the manufacture of IT equipment
• Factor the locality of suppliers and sub-contractors into purchasing decisions – choose local as a preference.

Reduce waste: adhere to the waste hierarchy principle:
• Reduce demand
• Reuse materials
• Recycle waste.